Economic Transportation Infrastructure on Vancouver Island

Vancouver Island is conveniently positioned to access North American markets through the cities of Vancouver and Seattle. Two of Canada’s federal ports along with Victoria Harbour and BC Ferries offer short-sea and trans-ocean services while airports in Nanaimo, Comox, Campbell River, Victoria and Port Alberni accommodate large commercial air services. And since the availability of skilled labour is important to any business investment decision, this infrastructure map shows the five major colleges and universities on Vancouver Island.

The map also shows the seven Regional Districts on Vancouver Island distinguished by colour. Each features government-funded economic development services to benefit businesses in their respective regions and/or municipalities. These are listed and linked for your convenience. The Vancouver Island Economic Alliance (VIEA) and Foreign Trade Zone Vancouver Island (FTZVI) complement these localized services by initiating and managing over-arching value to the broadest number of stakeholders in all regions and sectors on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands.

Vancouver Island MapPort HardyCampbell RiverDuncanVictoriaSeattleVancouverNanaimoPort AlberniCourtenay

Economic Development Divisions


Commercial Airports

Passenger Airports

Port Authorities

Colleges & Universities

Ferry Routes